crane. maintenance. services.
Thermite Welding
Thermic welding, also known as exothermic bonding, thermite welding and thermite welding, is a welding that employs molten metal to permanently join the conductors. The process employs an exothermic reaction of a thermite composition to heat the metal, and requires no external source of heat or current.
The chemical reaction that produces the heat is an aluminothermic reaction between aluminum powder and a metal oxide. Exothermic welding is usually used for welding copper conductors but is suitable for welding a wide range of metals, including stainless steel, cast iron, common steel, brass, bronze, and Monel.
Our Service:-
- We perform Thermite welding with good quality of welding kit for all size of Crane Rails. We have done this type welding job in many refineries in India ( HMEL Bathinda , IOCL Guwahati, BORL Bina , IOCL Vadodara etc.)